
scratchmarks| 15.83 million tons! In the first quarter, national pork production fell year-on-year, and Nengfengzhong sows were also declining. The turning point is approaching?

scratchmarks| 15.83 million tons! In the first quarter, national pork production fell year-on-year, and Nengfengzhong sows were also declining. The turning point is approaching?

  原标题:1583万吨!一季度全国猪肉产量同比下降,能繁母猪也在降,拐点临近? 来源:中国养猪网  来源:界面新闻、时代周报、网络整理等 2024-05-03 11:48:00| 查看:次   近日,猪肉价格试探性上涨,农业农村部明确指出,随着生猪去产能效果sc...
71 0 2024-05-03