
cryptokittiesblockchain| Investor's experience! Finally gained the "freedom to eat noodles"


Investors have finally gained the "freedom to eat noodles", which is a difficulty that only those who have been investors and only those who are truly devoted to investing in stocks wholeheartedly can realize. Once upon a time, when there was a heavy position, there was no freedom to eat noodles, because investors used "eating noodles" to refer to losing money and dared not eat noodles at all. But today, I passed through a small town on the way and decided to have a bowl of Xinjiang mixed noodles. I thought to myself that if I still had a heavy position in stocks, I still wouldn't dare to eat noodles and wouldn't have the freedom to eat noodles.

cryptokittiesblockchain| Investor's experience! Finally gained the "freedom to eat noodles"

Now that the position is close to a short position, I dare to order a bowl of noodles. Fortunately, I was close to a short position and gained the rare freedom to eat noodles for investors. As a professional shareholder, how much joy in life will be lost in my daily life?cryptokittiesblockchain! People who cannot learn to short positions cannot truly grow bigger. For all friends who dream of getting rich in the stock market. It is right to get rich by the stock market, but first you must learn to restrain yourself in the stock market and learn to take short positions from time to time.

Keywords stockholder, heavy position, short position bearish (bearish) As a professional stockholder, he gains the freedom to eat when he approaches short positions and realizes the importance of short positions. Finally, I received a risk warning for the writers of "Freedom to Eat Noodles" and Hexun's Self-selected stocks: The above content is only the author's or guests 'views, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers when necessary. Hexun strives but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun makes no guarantee or commitment in this regard.