
bestgamesonwaxblockchain| Railway: It is expected that the proportion of new mileage of high-speed rail lines will increase to more than 80% in 2024


Source Gangtise Investment Research

bestgamesonwaxblockchain| Railway: It is expected that the proportion of new mileage of high-speed rail lines will increase to more than 80% in 2024

Analysts said that from January to March 2024, China Railway's fixed asset investment increased by 9% year-on-yearbestgamesonwaxblockchain.9%, of which the year-on-year growth rate in March reached double digits, which is a monthly growth rate.bestgamesonwaxblockchainA record high. The single purchase amount of EMU in May exceeded the entire purchase amount in 2023, a record high in the single purchase amount. Among the new railway mileage opened to traffic in 2023, high-speed rail lines account for about 60%. It is expected that the proportion of new mileage opened to traffic of high-speed rail lines will increase to more than 80% in 2024, driving an increase in the cost per unit mileage of railways. At present, the density of railway turnouts in my country is 1.56 sets per kilometer, and the average price of a single set of turnouts is about 250,000 yuan. As the density of railway network continues to increase, it is expected that the density of turnouts will increase to 1.68 groups per kilometer in 2025.