
mammothmegaways| Financial consumer protection service platform launched for trial operation


Source: China Securities Taurus

I learned from the General Administration of Financial SupervisionmammothmegawaysRecently, under the guidance of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, the financial consumer protection service platform was put into trial operation, opening two functions of complaint handling and dispute mediation. Consumers report that purchasing products or receiving services has occurred with financial institutionsmammothmegawaysFor civil disputes, you can search for "Financial Consumer Protection Service Platform" in the Weixin Mini Programs, and you can log in and use it after completing your real-name registration. Consumers can click "I want to complain [Download Black Cat Complaint Client]" and "I want to mediate" to make complaints and apply for dispute mediation. Banking insurance institutions and mediation organizations will accept relevant claims through the platform and contact consumers in a timely manner. Consumers can also check the processing progress through the platform.

mammothmegaways| Financial consumer protection service platform launched for trial operation