
mobilebingositesnodepositbonus| New energy auto insurance is caught in the dilemma of "car owners clamoring for high prices and insurance companies clamoring for losses". How can pricing be more accurate?


Reporter Hu Zhiting

On the one hand, new energy car owners complain that it is difficult for you to insure, and on the other hand, insurance companies complain about the great pressure of underwriting losses. In the view of many people in the industry, optimizing the pricing mechanism and abolishing unreasonable underwriting restrictions will help to alleviate the "dilemma" of new energy vehicle insurance.

On May 9, PICC property Insurance, Ping an property Insurance, Taibao property Insurance and other insurance companies cooperated with Ant Insurance, an Internet insurance agency platform, to jointly develop online auto insurance "joint pricing" technology. Based on the trusted privacy computing technology framework "hidden language", this technology realizes more accurate car insurance pricing from the two dimensions of "car" and "person", which not only improves the operational efficiency of insurance companies, but also makes it cheaper for car owners with good driving habits to take out insurance.

Zhang Yiwen, head of Ant Auto Insurance New Energy vehicle business, said at the media conference that the project of "joint pricing" is in the hope that good users and low-risk users can enjoy lower prices. users with high risk, users who may not bid offline or those who quote a particularly high price can enjoy a suitable offer.

Taking his own experience as an example, Zhang Yiwen said that when he went to the experience store, he found that the recent hot millet SU7 cost more than 200,000 yuan, but the car insurance premium was 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. At the Maserati store next door, the first-year premium for a new Maserati car that costs 680000 yuan is only more than 6, 000 yuan.

"the problem encountered by new energy vehicles is that the premium price is very high, but the comprehensive cost rate of new energy vehicle insurance is rising year by year, and the industry is losing money. Even the head of the three property insurance companies, their new energy car insurance business last year is also a loss, but rely on the huge volume of fuel vehicle business, the overall car insurance business is still profitable. " Zhang Yiwen said.

It is in this context that the "joint pricing" project was born. Zhang Yiwen pointed out that as a company with users and technology, what kind of breakpoints can ants bring to this industry?Mobilebingositesnodepositbonus? Today, we can see that the original insurance company's industry pricing belongs to the car dimension, only looking at the car data, for the user data is a static dimension. But these data insurance companies do not have who often drives this car and how their driving habits are. The driving behavior of users of new energy vehicles has changed. In the establishment of human-vehicle relationship and human-to-human relationship, the platform has such an opportunity to interact with insurance companies, so the "joint pricing" project was launched.

In fact, the insurance industry used to consider the pricing of car insurance from the factors of car, and vehicle type, vehicle age, vehicle zero-to-whole ratio, preservation rate and so on often affect car insurance pricing. However, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly in recent years, and their driving habits are also different from those of traditional fuel vehicles, and insurance companies have increasingly begun to consider risk pricing in terms of human factors. Generally speaking, car insurance is mostly determined by people, including driving skills, driving habits and so on.

Ant Insurance said that since 2022, the company has jointly developed "joint pricing" technology for car insurance with insurance companies on the basis of the self-developed framework of trusted privacy computing technology, "hidden language". This technology combines "car factor" and "human factor" to help insurance companies accurately judge the risk, and then give a reasonable quotation. Operation data show that the car insurance quotation after "joint pricing" can save car owners hundreds of yuan on average. At present, Ant Insurance's car insurance service has cooperated with 13 insurance companies across the country.

mobilebingositesnodepositbonus| New energy auto insurance is caught in the dilemma of "car owners clamoring for high prices and insurance companies clamoring for losses". How can pricing be more accurate?

In April this year, the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued a notice on promoting the High-quality Development of New Energy vehicle Insurance (draft for soliciting opinions) for property insurance companies and other relevant parties, focusing on such issues as high price and high compensation rate of new energy vehicle insurance. the aim is to expand the range of independent pricing coefficient, study the establishment of high-risk vehicle backing protection mechanism, optimize and adjust new energy commercial vehicle insurance benchmark rates and other reform measures. Reduce the cost of new energy vehicle insurance and improve the level of protection.

It can be clear that many of the measures proposed in the above document focus on the factors of people from the car, mostly to make the risk and pricing match more accurate, so that the new energy car insurance management is more refined. The "joint pricing" of Ant Insurance conforms to this regulatory trend and is conducive to promoting the marketization of commercial car insurance rates and the healthy and sustainable development of car insurance business.

Jiang Minglong, head of Ant Automobile Insurance, said, "MobilebingositesnodepositbonusWe have noticed that after many consumers get the car insurance price on Ant Insurance, they will compare it with the quotations provided by offline agents, and finally select the most satisfactory plan. " As more and more young people become car owners, it has become a trend to choose Internet channels to insure car insurance. Data show that more than 40% of the users of Ant car insurance are post-90s and post-00s.