
applearcade3monthsfree| Shandong Expressway failed to recover the debt of 8 billion yuan from the equity transfer of Evergrande Real Estate, and the arbitration is in progress.


News from Leju Finance and Economics Zhang Linxia on April 21Applearcade3monthsfreeShandong Expressway (600350Applearcade3monthsfree.sh) issue the 2023 annual report. The dispute over the arrears of 2 billion yuan between the company and Shenzhen Talent safe Housing Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Talent safe residence") has also become the focus.

On March 28, China Integrity International Credit rating Co., Ltd. issued a notice on the major arbitration matters involved in Shenzhen Talent Housing Group Co., Ltd.

According to the announcement, Shenzhen Talent Anju Group signed in November 2020 with Shandong Expressway Resources Development and Management Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Expressway Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., and Jinan Changsheng Jincheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership).Applearcade3monthsfreeThe "Equity transfer Agreement on Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd."

Accordingly, Shandong Expressway Resources, Shandong Expressway Investment and Jinan Changsheng Jincheng respectively sold their holdings in Evergrande Real Estate 2.Applearcade3monthsfree.1167%, 1.4111% and 1.1759% of the shares were transferred to Shenzhen Talent Housing Group.

Shandong Expressway Resources, Shandong Expressway Investment Shandong Expressway Resources, Shandong Expressway Investment and Jinan Changsheng Jincheng submitted an application for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in November 2022, requiring Shenzhen talents to pay 8 billion yuan in equity transfer principal and interest, late payment liquidated damages and other related fees under the relevant equity transfer agreement.

But so far, Shandong Expressway Group has not received the third phase of equity transfer of 8 billion yuan and interest payable, including 2 billion yuan of Shandong Expressway.

Shandong Expressway made no provision for impairment of this sum in its annual report of 2023. On April 19, a relevant person of the company said that the arbitration is over and is still under implementation, and that the annual report is not mentioned taking into account the fact that the other party is a state-owned enterprise and has the ability to perform the contract.

Data show that the registered capital of talented people is 100 billion yuan, which is a wholly state-owned enterprise and indemnificatory housing monopoly institution in Shenzhen, with total assets of 208.5 billion yuan and net assets of 116.4 billion yuan by the end of 2023.

applearcade3monthsfree| Shandong Expressway failed to recover the debt of 8 billion yuan from the equity transfer of Evergrande Real Estate, and the arbitration is in progress.

On April 17, Talent Anju Group announced that it had changed its name to Shenzhen Anju Group Co., Ltd., and stressed that the change would not affect the company's liability to repay its existing debts.