
bonuspokervideopoker| Eggs are rising steadily at 3.57 yuan/kg, and the average price of live pigs is fine-tuned at 15 yuan/kg: market game and deadlock between supply and demand


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Most spot prices of eggs across the country have risen.BonuspokervideopokerThe average price in the main producing areas rose to 3.Bonuspokervideopoker.57 yuan per jin, the supply is stable; domestic pig prices were stable yesterday, supply and demand were deadlocked, and pig prices are expected to remain stable today. Market supply exceeds demand, egg spot prices continue to be poor, weak in recent months. Pig prices may be weaker after the festival, but in view of the reduction in production this year, it is recommended to gradually leave the market at a bargain.

bonuspokervideopoker| Eggs are rising steadily at 3.57 yuan/kg, and the average price of live pigs is fine-tuned at 15 yuan/kg: market game and deadlock between supply and demand

Text of news flash

[egg prices have risen partially and the market is in sufficient supply] most of the national egg market prices have risen, and some regions have remained stable. The average price of eggs in the main producing areas rose by 0.Bonuspokervideopoker.08 yuan to 3.57 yuan per jin. At present, the market supply remains at the normal level, the inventory is generally not high, and the speed of moving goods is basically maintained at the normal level, but it has slowed down slightly in some areas. Egg prices are expected to remain stable today, with a small increase in a few areas.BonuspokervideopokerIt's possible. [pig prices fluctuate little, supply and demand stalemate] domestic pig prices were stable yesterday, with some regions rising and falling slightly. The average price of pigs in Henan rose 0.01 yuan to 15.04 yuan / kg, while the average price in Sichuan fell 0.08 yuan to 14.85 yuan / kg. Due to the poor delivery of white strips, slaughtering enterprises have resistance to the source of high-priced pigs, the breeding end is facing sales pressure, the willingness to reduce prices is not strong, resulting in a stalemate between supply and demand. Pig prices are expected to remain stable today. [the market game intensifies, it is difficult for the egg price to rise continuously] although the market supply exceeds demand continues, due to the superposition of low price and loss factors, the market game becomes more and more obvious. Driven by recent downstream replenishment and cost rebound, egg prices have rebounded. However, spot prices do not persist well after the rally, lack of substantial positive factors, and prices may maintain a weak trend in the near future. [pig market expectations weaken, empty orders gradually leave] the overall performance of the pig market during the festival is lower than expected, and there is still room for price decline after the festival. The market predicted in advance that the contract in recent months continued to decline and squeeze out the rising water due to the outflow of funds and the maintenance of reasonable rising water demand. The current valuation is relatively reasonable, and the future trend needs to be determined by combining the actual cash level of the spot and when the market will stabilize. Considering the fact of this year's production reduction and the possibility of market trading again, it is suggested that the early near-month short order will gradually leave the market at a low price after being cashed in bad terms, and the future strategy can turn to low and far-month contracts.