


Gelonghui on May 5th, Kexing Pharmaceutical (688136)Videopokerfreecasinogames.sh) issue an announcementVideopokerfreecasinogamesRecently, the company received the "CERTIFICATE OF GMP COMPLIANCE OF A MANUFACTURER" ("Drug GMP Certificate") issued by the Norwegian Drug Administration (Norwegian Medical Products Agency) in accordance with the relevant regulations of the European Drug Administration (European Medicines Agency,EMA).


According to the GMP mutual recognition system among EU member states, the GMP certification shows that the certified production line has met the EU GMP standards, and the company's paclitaxel (albumin-bound) products have EU market access qualifications. After passing the GMP certification, paclitaxel for injection (albumin-bound) still needs to be approved by the EU listing license Application (MAA) before it can be listed in the EU.

The EU market is an important part of the company's overseas commercialization strategy. Taking paclitaxel for injection (albumin-bound) as a breakthrough, the company actively promotes the layout and expansion of marketing channels while promoting EU GMP certification. So far, it has signed contracts with partners from 35 countries in Europe and South America. Passing the GMP certification will help the company to further promote the expansion of overseas markets, improve the company's market competitiveness, and will have a positive impact on the company's operation in the future.