
bestslots|第十届华厦眼科国际论坛在厦召开 重磅发布多项人才计划


May fourthBestslotsThe 10th Huaxia Ophthalmology International Forum, sponsored by Huaxia Eye Hospital Group and Xiamen Eye Center, was held in Xiamen. The forum brought together dozens of academicians and experts from ophthalmology at home and abroad.BestslotsAs well as nearly a thousand academics and researchers in the industry, taking multi-level eye health needs as the starting point, anchoring the general goal of high-quality development of eye health, closely following the theme of the times, put forward many forward-looking development ideas and innovative ideas.

Meeting site

Xie Lixin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Fan Xianqun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Yao Ke, academician of the International Academy of Ophthalmology and chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Professor Sun Xinghuai, Chairman of the Ophthalmology Credit Association of the Chinese Medical Association and Chairman of the Innovation Committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group, Professor Li Xiaoxin, Academician of the International Academy of Ophthalmology and President of Xiamen Ophthalmology Center. Professor Zhao Kanxing, Academician of the International Academy of Ophthalmology and Chairman of the expert Committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group; Professor Wang Ningli, Academician of the International Academy of Ophthalmology and former Chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Professor GE Jian, Honorary Chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and Director of the Strategic Development and academic Committee of the Huaxia Ophthalmology Hospital Group, Professor Xu Xun, Professor Yang Peizeng and Professor qu Jia, Vice Chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Professor Liu Motherland, former Chairman of Asian dry Eye Association and Director of academic Construction Committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group, Professor Zhou Xingtao, President of Ophthalmology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Professor Ye Jian, Chairman of military Ophthalmology Committee, Professor Zhu Yihua, Chairman of Ophthalmology Branch of Fujian Medical Association, Professor Raj Vardhan Azad of Bharti Ophthalmology Hospital, India. Professor Usha Chakravarthy of the Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science of Queen's University in Belfast and other big names of ophthalmology at home and abroad gathered for an academic feast.

Wang Hui, director and full-time deputy secretary-general of the China Primary Health Care Foundation, and Xu long, deputy director of the Xiamen Municipal Health Committee, were invited to attend the forum.

The opening ceremony of the forum was presided over by Professor Li Xiaofeng, party committee secretary and vice president of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group.

The project of "Huaxia Mathematical Intelligence Great Wall" starts.

A new journey in the integrated development of prevention, treatment and management of ophthalmopathy

Build a solid "Mathematical Wisdom Great Wall" and protect the eye health of the whole people. At this conference, Huaxia Eye Hospital Group officially launched the "Huaxia Mathematical Great Wall" project. Based on the nationwide electronic medical record and health screening system of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group, the project continuously improves the big data system of health care, comprehensively constructs the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmopathy prevention, diagnosis and follow-up, promotes national health data collection and effective feedback, and improves the accuracy and breadth of early ophthalmopathy screening. Promote the accelerated realization of ophthalmopathy data modeling, analysis, evaluation, statistics and other functions.

The project of "Huaxia Mathematical Intelligence Great Wall" starts.

At the meeting, Professor Li Xiaoxin stressed the application prospect of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology. She said that the medical industry has greatly catalyzed the efficiency of medical services through big data's accelerated integration. As early as 2011, Huaxia Eye Hospital Group actively promoted the construction of intelligent hospitals, providing an excellent model for the field of eye health. The "Huaxia Mathematical Great Wall" project is a positive response to the government's call by Huaxia Eye Hospital Group to actively promote data empowerment and AI construction, and optimize the diagnosis and treatment process with big data and AI, so as to improve the diagnosis and treatment comfort of patients and improve the prevention and control of myopia screening, diabetic retinal screening, fundus chronic disease management and other eye diseases. After the launch of the project, it will serve the whole life cycle eye health of the people by intelligent means, from the establishment of electronic medical records, artificial intelligence (AI) reading, diagnosis and evaluation, to health management and monitoring, the project can efficiently realize information knowability, disease prevention and control.

What is noteworthy is that the extensive application of big data, the "Great Wall of Huaxia and Mathematical Intelligence", is also conducive to the sinking of high-quality resources to the grass-roots level, comprehensively opening up "blocking points" for public medical treatment, and building a "highway" for grass-roots graded diagnosis and treatment and two-way referrals, and improve the efficiency and quality of medical services. At the same time, the project uses humanized means to dredge the "pain points" of seeking medical treatment, improve the experience of seeking medical treatment, and let the general public enjoy the practicality and convenience of intelligent medical care.

The "Huaxia Mathematical Great Wall" project has been highly recognized and supported by Academician Xie Lixin. He said that in 2024, "artificial intelligence plus" was officially included in the government work report, and Huaxia Eye Hospital Group complied with the requirements of the times by launching the "Mathematical Intelligence Great Wall" project, which is of great significance and role in improving the quality of medical services, individualized and accurate management of ophthalmopathy diagnosis and treatment, and prediction of eye diseases. In the future, it is expected that Huaxia Eye Hospital Group will continue to focus on the focus area of "Clinical big data and artificial Intelligence", adhere to the clinical needs of patients, and solidly promote the transformation of clinical applied research level and scientific and technological achievements, so as to benefit more patients with difficult eye diseases.

The project "practical skills training for grass-roots ophthalmologists" was launched.

Cooperation from top to bottom to promote the high-quality development of grass-roots health care system

At the forum, the project "practical skills training for grass-roots ophthalmologists" was officially launched. It is reported that the project is planned by the relevant departments of the National Health Commission and carried out nationwide, and is first launched by the China Primary Health Care Foundation and Huaxia Eye Hospital Group, with the aim of promoting the improvement of the capacity of primary medical and health services and improving the omni-directional and full-cycle eye health service system. The project will be guided by senior ophthalmologists to cultivate excellent ophthalmic medical talents, especially in the field of key difficult ophthalmopathy, and continuously improve and optimize the education and training mode. in order to alleviate the urgent problem of the shortage of primary medical resources.

The project "practical skills training for Grass-roots Ophthalmologists" was officially launched.

Wang Hui, director and full-time deputy secretary-general of the China Primary Health Care Foundation, said that the "practical skills training for grass-roots ophthalmologists" project is a trial first, which is conducive to ophthalmologists taking the initiative to go to the grass-roots level for deep ploughing and upgrading the skills of grass-roots doctors. Through the close relationship between upper and lower cooperation, we can improve the ability of grass-roots disease prevention and treatment and health management, and jointly promote the level and ability of grass-roots health governance. On the basis of its own perfect clinical skills training system, Huaxia Eye Hospital Group actively participates in and applies for the establishment of a national high-level practical technology training base for grass-roots ophthalmologists, which is beneficial for high-quality medical resources to reach the grass-roots level. improve the screening rate and accuracy of common eye diseases and multiple eye diseases, really achieve early intervention and early treatment, and then effectively reduce the blindness rate of eye diseases. Promote the construction of "healthy China" with the development of high-quality eye health.

Huaxia Ophthalmology Talent Information Program

Constructing and perfecting the Pyramid of talents with 300 million in 3 years




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bestslots|第十届华厦眼科国际论坛在厦召开 重磅发布多项人才计划

此次论坛设立了多个专题研讨环节。谢立信教授、姚克教授、范先群教授、孙兴怀教授、黎晓新教授、赵堪兴教授、葛坚教授、王宁利教授、杨培增教授、许迅教授、瞿佳教授、周行涛教授、叶剑教授、朱益华教授、刘祖国教授、郭海科教授、陈晓明教授、朱思泉教授、张广斌教授、潘美华教授、刘才远教授、刘旭阳教授,以及来自国际眼科界知名专家Raj Vardhan Azad教授、Usha Chakravarthy教授,重点围绕核心议题展开积极探讨,展现了多学科融合在眼科医疗领域的重要性,为眼科行业的发展提出了具有创新性和实用性的新思路、新方法。


