
pokerstarsonlinecasino| How much money did you throw away with your car insurance?


Face to face encountered "Li Ghost", Zhang Mingcai aware: there are many car insurance routines!

When the car insurance was renewed, a "car insurance expert" sent him a big gift package, which not only promised to halve the car insurance, but also provided free trailers, fuel delivery and other benefits. After signing the contract, Zhang Ming was surprised to find that this "car insurance" is really a "safety mutual assistance fund", dissociated from the "Insurance Law", once there is a dispute, he can only sue to safeguard his rights.

Seeing that the "premium" of more than 4,000 yuan was about to go down the drain, Zhang Ming promptly called the local market supervision bureau and finally got a full refund. Since then, he decisively turned the rudder JD.com Finance, through one-button price comparison, chose JD.com Allianz auto insurance service. Afterwards sighed: if the offline channel car insurance, secret, complex, many routines, then the characteristics of JD.com finance is simple, transparent and reliable.

N routines:

pokerstarsonlinecasino| How much money did you throw away with your car insurance?

There are many hidden and complex traps.

The counterfeit insurance products encountered by Zhang Ming are only the tip of the iceberg of car insurance routines.

In the field of automobile insurance, consumers often step into all kinds of traps and routines because of information asymmetry. Regardless of the telephone bombardment and various quotation offenses of various insurance companies during the contract renewal period, from the clandestine rebate to the misleading sales of agents, and then to the compulsory package in offline channels, every step may hide a crisis.

The black box of the rebate. For different customers in the same car condition, there is a big difference in the price when buying insurance in the same 4S store. The sales staff will decide whether to give them a rebate or discount according to the user's understanding of the insurance, negotiation ability, past purchase records and so on.

Mislead sales. When some salesmen quote, change the vehicle configuration in the car damage insurance, change the high-equipped car to the low-equipped car, and the premium will be reduced accordingly. In the event of theft, robbery, wading and other accidents, 100% compensation for vehicle loss can not be obtained due to the reduction of the insured amount.

Compulsory consumption. Different insurance companies are forced to bind different items such as accident insurance and seat insurance, which vary in price and cannot be cancelled. However, the passenger insurance and vehicle loss insurance needed by the car owners are often omitted, and the car owners can only passively accept the package.

Such as this, car insurance chaos, users have been suffering for a long time …...

One platform:

Simple, transparent and reliable

Understand consumption and refuse tricks. More Internet-minded users have expanded the auto insurance purchase channel from offline to online.

They noticed that JD.com Finance abandoned the secrecy and complexity of the traditional auto insurance market and launched an online self-help quotation platform, with a simple and clear product structure, a transparent quotation system, and a reliable car insurance system. Make consumers' every choice solid and reliable.

With simple product structure, the platform provides personalized insurance advice for every user, no compulsory bundling of any types of insurance, clear information at a glance, no hidden costs, and a clear explanation of the insurance terms, so that consumers can choose freely according to their actual needs.

Transparent quotation system, price comparison platform can not only get quotations from several insurance companies within 15 seconds, but also support one-minute fast insurance service, which greatly shortens the tedious process of traditional car insurance purchase and truly realizes "convenience on fingertips".

Reliable cooperative insurance company, the platform brings together 12 well-known insurance companies, including PICC, Ping an of China, Pacific Insurance, JD.com Allianz, etc., to provide one-click price comparison service for car owners to ensure that they enjoy preferential car insurance quotations. Can bid quickly, users can compare prices online, this simple operation, no bundling sales, to ensure the transparency and fairness of the price.

A shout:

If you come to quote, you must pay for it.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2023,PokerstarsonlinecasinoThe number of private cars in China has reached 294.27 million. There is a huge demand in the car insurance market. On May 14, JD.com Finance accurately focused on the market of gasoline cars and new energy private cars with 9 seats or less, shouting that 300 million private car owners "come to find fault" and participate in the "car insurance price comparison must pay for it" activity.

During the event, all renewed private car owners can search "car insurance must pay" in JD.com Financial APP, log on to the price comparison platform, and more than 10 well-known insurance companies provide one-click price comparison services for them. As long as it is under the same conditions, if the quotations of other online sales platforms are lower than JD.com 's financial quotations, users do not need to apply for insurance and pay, they only need to upload evidence in a few simple steps, and after examination and approval, they can get the quotation reward within 5 working days, and directly enter the user JD.com account. This move undoubtedly provides consumers with a price "reassurance".

At the same time, the platform also launched a 60-day network-wide price comparison guarantee period, as well as an additional incentive mechanism for successful quotation and benefits such as up to 12 interest-free periods. JD.com financial data show that since the launch of the price comparison platform in 2023, more than 200 car owners have received actual compensation through the "expensive indemnity" clause.

Fill in the market trap and eliminate industry routines. JD.com Finance is creating a secure and transparent environment for car owners to choose and purchase car insurance with its unique service model and technical advantages. Here, car insurance is no longer an elusive black box, but into an intuitive, reassuring service experience, so that the power of protection is within reach, without fear of the "Li Ghost" and hidden reefs in the market.