
gonzoquestmegaways| Is the rebound in peanut prices a "flash in the pan" or a "counterattack"?


gonzoquestmegaways| Is the rebound in peanut prices a "flash in the pan" or a "counterattack"?

SourceGonzoquestmegawaysChina Grain Network

The price of the domestic peanut market is mainly stable, the commodity rice in some areas is strong, the oil is weak, the market trading atmosphere is slightly better than in the previous period, and the willingness of some traders to replenish the stock at a low price is slightly enhanced. In the Northeast, Henan Nanyang, Zhengyang and other producing areas, the inquiry and purchase volume of white sand rice customers have slightly increased, so the mood of the middleman has been heated up.

Recent focus: 1, oil factory acquisition enthusiasm deviation, Luhua Group only Laiyang, Zhengyang factory delivery volume is slightly more, the volume of other factories is very limited, Yihai factories strictly control quality, with the rise of temperature, oil and rice has no sign of improvement. 2. Due to the continuous downturn of the peanut market in the previous stage and the weak overall demand environment, the terminal has been generally maintained for more than a month.GonzoquestmegawaysWith the operation idea of fast-in and fast-out, the inventory level is generally empty, and the demand for rigid replenishment constitutes a strong support for the falling price of commodity rice. Recently, some dealers replenish the stock at a low price, together to create certain conditions for the stabilization or slight rebound of commodity rice. 3. Prices have improved in stages, and farmers' mentality of shipping has been supported to a certain extent, which will prolong the consumption period of grass-roots sources of goods. in addition, according to the current feedback from various production areas, the stock of goods of ordinary people is on the high side compared with the same period last year, which will also bring potential negative pressure on the market in the later stage. 4. The amount of imported rice from Sudan is obviously less than that of the same period in previous years, while the contracts of oil plants are mostly carried out, and the quantity of goods from the port of imported rice is not much, so the price is supported to a certain extent, and the decline is negligible compared with domestic meters.

What is noteworthy is that the inventory of the oil factory is also gradually replenished, and the recent arrival volume of the Yihai oil plant has remained high. At the same time, according to the usual practice of previous years, after entering June, the oil factory will shut down one after another, and the consumption channel will narrow. If later imported peanuts continue to arrive in Hong Kong, there will also be some pressure on shipments, which will bring new negative pressure on domestic peanuts.

Through the above phenomenon analysis, for the future market trend, the author's views are as follows: 1, oil Millikon is dominant, because the oil factory acquisition intention is not good. 2. Commodity rice will remain independent in the short term. First, there is a rigid replenishment demand at the terminal, and the previous cumulative decline is obvious, and there is indeed a need for overfall and rebound, while the long-term market is not recommended to be overly optimistic. because the inventory level of cold storage is larger than that of previous years, the supply is abundant, and the market demand environment is difficult to improve obviously.