
scratchmarks| "Market Supervision and Management Credit Repair Management Measures (Draft for Comments)" for public solicitation of opinions


Newsletter summary

[measures for the Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of Credit repair (draft for soliciting opinions) "Public solicitation of opinions] Securities Times e Company NewsScratchmarksThe General Administration of Market Supervision organized and drafted the departmental regulations "measures for the Administration of Credit repair of Market Supervision and Administration (draft for soliciting opinions)", which is now open to the public for comments.Scratchmarks.Scratchmarks..

scratchmarks| "Market Supervision and Management Credit Repair Management Measures (Draft for Comments)" for public solicitation of opinions

Text of news flash

[measures for the Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of Credit repair (draft for soliciting opinions)] Securities Times e Company, the General Administration of Market Supervision has organized and drafted the departmental regulations "measures for the Administration of Credit repair of Market Supervision and Administration (draft for soliciting opinions)," which is now open to the public for comments. Article 2, Article 9 and Article 10 include the list of business anomalies that have attracted wide attention in practice into the removal records, independent publicity of administrative penalty information, and negative information related to the results of spot checks. In order to do a good job in the revision and convergence of the regulations, Article 19ScratchmarksHis department requested that the relevant business entities listed on the list of serious violations of laws and trustworthiness should make provisions on credit repair. In order to support restructuring enterprises to reshape credit, Article 20 provides for credit repair of restructured enterprises.