
buffaloblitzmegaways| More than 3000 guaranteed rental housing units are supplied in a targeted manner, and Shanghai provides housing for college graduates


Reporter Fang Zhuoran

On May 9, 2024, the special series of "graduation season of Rental Housing entering Campus" (the third quarter) was held at Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. With more than 3000 housing units, 30 rental housing projects have conducted policy lectures and docking supply and demand for graduates of many colleges and universities in Songjiang University City.

This year is the third special series of activities for college graduates in Shanghai since 2022 to solve the housing security needs of college graduates through the linkage of the government, universities and enterprises of rental housing projects.

Zhang Bing, member of the party group and deputy director of the Shanghai Housing Administration, revealed that the more than 3000 sets of indemnificatory rental housing raised this time are mainly concentrated in areas with strong rental demand and convenient transportation, and are distributed in all central urban areas and suburban areas. most of them are fully decorated existing houses, which can be checked in directly with bags.

Various projects reduce the rental burden of college graduates as much as possible by reducing costs and profits, preferential service packages and other ways. After the discount, the monthly rent for most of a room is between 1500 and 2500 yuan, and the monthly rent for an one-bedroom house is between 2500 and 3500 yuan.

According to the actual situation of college graduates, the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and the Municipal Housing Administration carried out relevant policies and measures.BuffaloblitzmegawaysIt has been optimized and perfected, and it is clear that fresh college graduates within 6 months of graduation can temporarily apply for rent protection with a diploma instead of employment certificate.BuffaloblitzmegawaysIt also facilitates the renewal of rents during the gap between job changes.

buffaloblitzmegaways| More than 3000 guaranteed rental housing units are supplied in a targeted manner, and Shanghai provides housing for college graduates

At the same time, WeChat Mini Programs, "rent-guaranteed housing into the campus", also launched a service on the same day to provide one-stop talent security service experience for college graduates.

The online service lasts for one month. Eligible participants can browse the housing information and submit pre-application through Mini Program. The project unit will follow up the procedures such as qualification verification and room selection and signing.

In May, the series will also hold three supply and demand docking services and policy lectures at Tongji University, Shanghai Maritime University and East China normal University (Minhang campus).

Zhang Bing said that Shanghai attaches great importance to the housing problem of new citizens and young people, actively implements policies related to guaranteed rental housing and construction to raise supply, and speeds up the construction of a multi-level rental housing supply system of "one bed, one room, one suite".

Data show that as of the first quarter of this year, Shanghai has accumulated construction and financing of all kinds of guaranteed rental housing 49Buffaloblitzmegaways.10,000 sets (rooms), supply 30.Buffaloblitzmegaways.40,000 sets (rooms), accomplishing 82% and 76% of the targets and tasks of the 14th five-year Plan, respectively.