


Gelonghui May 2 丨 Minxin Group (00222magnuscarlsenpoker.HK) announced that the company recently learned from relevant disclosure of interest information under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) that Fortune Wealth Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. purchased on April 25, 2024magnuscarlsenpokerThe company has 2,100,000 shares, while Mr. Han Long, the company's major shareholder (as defined in the Listing Rules), indirectly holds Fortune.


Since (i) Fujian Investment Group holds approximately 59.53% of the Company through Guoxin and Samba and is the controlling shareholder of the Company;(ii) Mr. Ye is an independent non-executive director; and (iii) Mr. Han holds approximately 15.51% of the Company through his controlled corporation and is a substantial shareholder of the Company, they are not regarded as members of the public under the Listing Rules. Given that they hold a total of approximately 75.18% equity interest in the Company, as at the date of this announcement, the Company's public float is approximately 24.82%, which has been reduced to below the minimum required percentage.

The company's management is discussing with relevant parties feasible measures to restore public float. The company will publish an announcement on restoring public float in due course.