
svenbetcasino| We will promptly promote the introduction of policies and measures! The latest deployment of the National Development and Reform Commission


On May 21, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference in May.

At the meeting, Li Chao, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and spokesman for the Commission, focused on the current external concern.SvenbetcasinoTo respond to hot issues such as the progress of ultra-long-term special treasury bond investment projects, the participation of private enterprises in large-scale equipment renewal, the promotion of consumer goods trade-in jobs, and the development trend of the manufacturing industry. Let's take a look at the main points of the conference:

1. Strengthen the overall planning of project construction funds, make good use of national debt funds, central budget investment, local government special bonds, local government investment and other construction funds, and actively guide the participation of social capital.

2. Work with relevant parties to establish a "soft construction" task list, step up efforts to promote the introduction and implementation of relevant policies and measures, solve deep-seated contradictions with reform methods and innovative ideas, and give better play to the superposition effect of policies.

3. Actively promote the construction of the project of issuing additional treasury bonds by the end of June this year. In particular, we will speed up the construction of flood control and flood damage projects to ensure that key restoration and reconstruction projects are completed and put into use before the flood season this year.

4. According to the incomplete statistics of the parties concerned, the amount of subsidy scheme announced by some household appliance enterprises and automobile enterprises has exceeded 15 billion yuan; a number of e-commerce platforms have cooperated with production enterprises to invest more than 10 billion yuan to carry out trade-in promotion activities.

5. Generally speaking, China's manufacturing industry will continue to maintain the trend of recovery and development and structural optimization.

How does the ultra-long-term special treasury bond investment project land?

This year's government work report points out that starting from this year, it is planned to issue ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years, specifically for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas (hereinafter referred to as "two-tier" construction), with an initial issue of 1 trillion yuan this year.

The Ministry of Finance announced the other daySvenbetcasinoNotice on the relevant arrangements for the issuance of general treasury bonds and ultra-long-term special treasury bonds in 2024. Among them, ultra-long-term special treasury bonds with maturities of 20 years, 30 years and 50 years will be issued on May 24, May 17 and June 14 respectively.

Li Chao revealed: in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will take the lead, together with relevant parties, to conscientiously do a good job in the organization and implementation of the key tasks of the "dual" construction.

First, we should earnestly play a leading role in grasping the overall situation. Work with relevant departments and local authorities to do a good job in project selection, promotion of implementation, supervision and evaluation, implementation of reform tasks, etc. At the same time, we should effectively give full play to the functions of departments such as finance and finance, industry management and factor guarantee, establish an efficient operation mechanism, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and form a joint force.

Second, do a good job in the organization and implementation of "hard investment" projects. Speed up project selection and plan delivery, organize all local and relevant central units to submit projects as required, and do a good job of project screening in conjunction with industry management departments. We will strengthen the overall planning of project construction funds, make good use of treasury bonds, central budget investment, local government special bonds, local government investment and other construction funds, and actively guide social capital to participate. Supervise and guide all localities to strengthen their preliminary work, ensure the use of land, environmental assessment and other factors by classification, and promote the construction of the project as soon as possible. Strengthen the whole life cycle management of the project, formulate and introduce management measures, and clarify the requirements from project planning and reserve to supervision and inspection.

The third is to speed up the introduction of the "soft construction" policy. Work with relevant parties to establish a "soft construction" task list, step up efforts to promote the introduction and implementation of relevant policies and measures, solve deep-seated contradictions with reform methods and innovative ideas, and give better play to the superposition effect of policies.

Fourth, strengthen the follow-up and evaluation of the implementation effect. With regard to the "hard investment" task, together with relevant departments, relying on the construction promotion mechanism of major projects, regularly schedule project progress, organize on-site supervision, and promote the implementation of high-quality project construction. With regard to the task of "soft construction", we should establish a mechanism to supervise and implement it, and promote the effectiveness of various supporting policies and reform measures.

Promote the construction of the additional treasury bonds project before the end of June

Last year, China issued an additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bonds to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in North China, focusing on Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and to enhance the capacity for disaster prevention, reduction and relief.

Li Chao said that all the relevant funds had been distributed to all places by February this year. At present, the project of issuing additional treasury bonds is progressing smoothly on the whole, and all localities are stepping up efforts to promote the construction of the project.SvenbetcasinoOf the .50,000 projects, about 1. 1% have already started construction.Svenbetcasino10,000, with an operating rate of more than 70%. In particular, the overall progress of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction projects is relatively fast, with the start-up rate of projects in eight provinces and cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, reaching about 80%. A number of education, hospitals, roads, water supply and other projects closely related to people's livelihood and well-being have been basically completed and can be put into use before the flood season. A number of key water conservancy projects, such as the Qingshan Reservoir, the North Juma River, the Daqing River, and the Zaolinzhuang Project, which enhance the capacity of disaster prevention and mitigation, have started construction one after another, and other projects are advancing the preparatory work before construction in an orderly manner as planned.

Li Chao pointed out that in mid-April, the National Development and Reform Commission organized a national teleconference on promoting the implementation of the 2023 additional treasury bonds project, actively promoting the construction of all the additional treasury bonds projects by the end of June this year. In particular, we will speed up the construction of flood control and flood damage projects to ensure that key restoration and reconstruction projects are completed and put into use before the flood season this year.

Enterprises have invested more than 25 billion yuan in the trade-in of home appliances, cars, etc.

"according to incomplete statistics, some household appliance enterprises and automobile enterprises have announced a subsidy scheme worth more than 15 billion yuan, and a number of e-commerce platforms have cooperated with production enterprises to invest more than 10 billion yuan to carry out trade-in promotion activities." Li Chao said.

On March 13, the State Council publicly issued the "Action Plan for promoting large-scale equipment Renewal and Consumer goods Trade-in", clearly proposing the implementation of "four major actions": equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-in, recycling, and standard upgrading. Among them, the trade-in of consumer goods mainly focuses on the trade-in of cars and home appliances and the trade-in of consumer goods for home decoration.

Last month, the National Development and Reform Commission held two symposiums on private enterprises to listen to the opinions and suggestions of 11 private enterprises on this work and encourage relevant production enterprises and platform enterprises to play an active role. Li Chao pointed out that many private enterprises have advantages in research and development, production, and sales, and have the ability, conditions, and willingness to participate in large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods.

"As relevant policies continue to be implemented, more and more private enterprises are participating in this work, allowing more advanced equipment and high-quality durable consumer goods to enter social production and residents 'lives." Li Chao said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will speed up the establishment of a working mechanism for equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement, work with relevant departments to continue to improve and promote the implementation of the "1+N" policy system, give full play to the role of business entities, and guide private enterprises. The whole society will jointly invest and participate more comprehensively and deeply in all aspects of equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement.

The manufacturing industry will continue to maintain a trend of recovery, development and structural optimization

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in March and April this year, the manufacturing PMI was in an expansion range of more than 50%. Li Chao pointed out that this reflects that as macro policy effects continue to emerge, industrial production grows steadily, corporate efficiency improves, and the prosperity level and corporate expectations continue to improve.

"Overall, my country's manufacturing industry will continue to maintain a trend of recovery, development and structural optimization." Li Chao pointed out that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on the following aspects:

In terms of expanding effective investment, we will implement ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, and accelerate the release of investment within the central budget and the issuance and use of special bonds by local governments.

In terms of promoting domestic consumption, we will accelerate the implementation of the employment priority policy, do everything possible to stabilize employment, promote income increase, and improve residents 'consumption power. Accelerate the exchange of old consumer goods with new ones, expand consumption of automobiles, home appliances, mobile phones and other commodities and consumption of services such as culture and tourism, and increase efforts to cultivate and create new growth points such as new consumption scenarios and new business formats. At the same time, we must accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Accelerate the promotion of large-scale equipment updates, thoroughly implement the action plan to improve the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, guide enterprises to apply advanced and applicable technologies for transformation and upgrading, and continuously improve the high-end, intelligent and green level of the manufacturing industry.

svenbetcasino| We will promptly promote the introduction of policies and measures! The latest deployment of the National Development and Reform Commission