
kingcasinobonus| US plans to update dietary guidelines: alcohol and health or the biggest controversy


Local time, May 10, 2024, according to the biomedical industry media STAT, the American Dietary guidelines (the Dietary Guidelines for Americans) will be updated and revised in 2025, and the health effects of alcohol will become the focus again.

It is reported that in order to avoid the influence of politics and capital, the research on alcohol and its effects on health in the revised guidelines was outsourced to it for the first time.KingcasinobonusHis group: with $1.3 million in funding from the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Drug abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Academy of Sciences (NASEM, made up of academies of sciences, engineering, and medical schools) are assessing the problem.

"alcoholic beverages remain a high priority topic, but because they require substantial, specific expertise and unique considerations, they will be reviewed separately." The Advisory Committee on American Dietary guidelines wrote in a statement. The advisory committee was created on the basis of a bill of the U.S. Congress nearly 40 years ago to address the controversy over the first dietary guidelines in 1980. After the external team studies, the committee will write the updated guidelines.

Dietary guidelines are only recommendations and have no mandatory effect, but they can affect policy, clinical practice in schools and hospitals, and so on. Since the 1990s, the guide has advised the public to drink "in moderation": no more than 14 grams a day for women and no more than 24 grams for men. In the United States, a glass of 360 ml beer with an alcohol content of 5%, or a glass of 5 ounces (147)Kingcasinobonus.85 ml), 12% alcohol content of wine, its alcohol content is about 14 grams. In other words, the guidelines recommend that American women drink no more than one glass of beer / wine a day and no more than two glasses of wine for men. Drinking more than four drinks at a time is considered to be overeating. The guidelines also recommend that certain groups, including pregnant women, avoid drinking alcohol altogether.

The American Diet Guide (2020-2025) points out that drinking alcohol has no net health benefits, STAT reported. But in 2020, the panel's recommendation to limit daily sugar and alcohol consumption was suppressed by federal officials. In the years that followed, the Mediterranean diet became mainstream in the United States, with vegetables, fruits, fish, beans, whole grains and olive oil cooking, accompanied by moderate consumption of fermented dairy products and a small amount of red wine. The popular view of television shows that French people who drink a few glasses of red wine a day have fewer heart attacks than Americans.

Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University and a member of the advisory committee on the guidelines, found that many studies showing that alcohol is good for heart health are flawed and do not explain why some people quit drinking when they get sick. However, some studies have shown that some drinkers are healthier. Experts believe that there are too many variables at work to link wine to heart health.

Over the past five years, the number of alcohol deaths in the United States has increased. Between 2017 and 2021, the average number of deaths caused by excessive drinking in the United States increased by 29% each year. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 140000 people die from excessive drinking each year during the pandemic, 20 per cent of them young people between the ages of 20 and 49.

George Cooper (George Koob), longtime director of the National Institute of Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), says alcohol is not good for health, and many studies have shown that drinking increases the risk of diseases such as gun violence and sexually transmitted infections. But the public is very opposed to urging.KingcasinobonusTheir advice not to drink, telling people not to drink alcohol is like telling people not to drink caffeine or sugar, which may be counterproductive.

Some countries have tightened their drinking guidelines. In 2023, the Canadian Centre for substance use and Addiction (CCSA) issued a statement on alcohol warning the public that "abstinence from alcohol is healthy". The group released a chart showing that health risks increase with the amount of alcohol. Drinking seven or more drinks a week is considered high risk.

The STAT reports that if appointed experts take seriously the growing evidence related to alcohol hazards-such as an increased risk of certain cancers and chronic diseases-it could lead to a major change in drinking advice. If they decide to keep the same drinking advice, the guidelines will last until 2030. Either way, it could lead to controversy. Some critics say they smell the influence of the industry in NASEM. Among the members of the advisory committee of the guide, there are also people who have contact with alcohol companies.

kingcasinobonus| US plans to update dietary guidelines: alcohol and health or the biggest controversy