
roulegenius| New Open Source plunged 5% and two subsidiaries lost money


On May 10, the share price of New Open Source (300109) fell sharply. As of 14:26, New Open Source was down 5%.Roulegenius.00%, 22.Roulegenius.22 yuan per share, with a turnover of 378 million yuan and a turnover rate of 5.72%.

News interpretation

roulegenius| New Open Source plunged 5% and two subsidiaries lost money

New open source's recent statement on the investor interaction platform shows that two of the company's four precision healthcare subsidiaries are already profitable, but the other two are still losing money. The company said that it will make every effort to promote business development and strive to turn losses into profits as soon as possible with the support of the management team's planning and in-depth planning.

Capital trend

As of press time, the new open source received a net outflow of 46.67 million yuan, including 33.95 million yuan from a super-large unit and 12.71 million yuan from a large one. Data show that the net inflow of the stock today is 30.15 million yuan lower than the average net inflow of nearly 5 days.

In terms of margin trading, New Open Source received a net purchase of 11.86 million yuan on May 08, with a financing balance of 440 million yuan on that day, when it increased by 2.77% over the previous day, achieving two consecutive increases.RoulegeniusThe margin balance of the stock is 7.6 million yuan, and the margin margin is 342200 shares, a decrease of 6.50% compared with the previous day. As of May 08, the stock had a total margin balance of 448 million yuan.

In terms of northbound funds, the new open source obtained northward funds to increase its holdings by 516000 shares on May 09. As of May 09, northward funds currently hold a total of 1.5987 million new open source shares, with a market capitalization of 35.52 million yuan, accounting for 0.49% of the outstanding shares.

Main business and performance

The new open source company is mainly engaged in the R & D, production and sales of PVP series products, PVME/MA and other high value-added medicinal accessories and functional polymers.RoulegeniusIn vitro diagnosis services such as early tumor diagnosis, molecular diagnosis, gene sequencing and so on.

According to the latest financial report, in the first quarter of this year, the new open source achieved operating income of 395 million yuan, an increase of 8.73% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 121 million yuan, an increase of 1.17% over the same period last year, and basic earnings per share was 0.38 yuan.

(the above content is Portfolio based on public information, intelligently generated by programs or algorithms, only as a reference for users to view the market, not as investment advice or transaction basis. The stock market is risky, please make a careful decision. )