
baccaratxbearbrick| Taikang Life Insurance Liaoning Benxi Central Branch was fined 190,000 yuan for making product description courseware without authorization


Financial front-line news on April 30baccaratxbearbrickThe administrative penalty information disclosure form published on the website of the State Financial Supervision and Administration shows that the Liaoning Benxi Central Branch of Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. has the following illegal and illegal facts: giving or promising to give to the policyholder, insured or beneficiary benefits other than those stipulated in the insurance contract; making courseware for product description sessions without authorization; training and publicity materials are not objective, incomplete and untrue. Benxi Supervision Branch ordered him to make corrections and fined him RMB 190,000.

Jia Mouli (then manager of Xinan Marketing Service Department of Benxi, Liaoning Province of Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd.) was warned and fined RMB 40,000; Li (general manager of Liaoning Benxi Central Branch of Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd.) was warned and fined RMB 20,000.

baccaratxbearbrick| Taikang Life Insurance Liaoning Benxi Central Branch was fined 190,000 yuan for making product description courseware without authorization