
jilionline|建材行业定期报告:政治局会议提出消化存量房产 地产链条有望持续修复


Trends of building materials this week (2024-4-29-5)JilionlineCement manufacturers increase off-peak production, prices rise month-on-month; float glass production and marketing is general, average price decline; glass fiber merchants take the initiative to offer enthusiasm is limited, glass fiber market price stable operation. In terms of consumer building materials, the optimization of real estate policy continues to recommend the consumer building materials sector with high performance-to-price ratio and outstanding alpha. Cement industry: manufacturers increase off-peak production, prices rise month-on-month. The price of cement in the national cement market has risen by 0% month on month this week.Jilionline.8%. The price rising areas are mainly Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Guangxi, Chongqing and Gansu, with a range of 10-40 yuan per ton, while the price falling areas are Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Henan, with a range of 10-20 yuan per ton. At the end of April, due to the shortage of market funds and cloudy and rainy weather, the domestic cement market demand was weak, and the shipment rate of cement enterprises in key areas of the country was about 52%. The national cement storage capacity ratio was 67.31% this week, down 1.00% from last week. On the cost side, the difference between the national average price of cement and the price of coal is 273.06 yuan / ton, an increase of 2.74 yuan / ton compared with last week. As prices have been at a low level for a long time, the vast majority of enterprises are in a state of losses. in order to improve business quality and reduce losses, enterprises in some areas have pushed up prices by increasing off-peak production. Float glass industry: the production and marketing situation is general, the average price has declined compared with the previous month. This week, the domestic float glass pre-festival production and sales atmosphere is relatively general, most manufacturers quote a stalemate, the average price of flat glass declined. As of today's press release, the national average price of 5mm flat glass was 1844 yuan / ton, down 10 yuan / ton from the same period last week, or about 0.54%. In terms of cost, with the renewal of the new price, affected by the high offer of the upstream soda ash factory, the atmosphere of signing the order has cooled slightly before the recent festival, but the overall light soda ash order price is high, heavy soda ash has more finishing performance, and the upside-down phenomenon is more and more obvious. The total inventory of national float glass sample enterprises is about 2.576 million tons. At present, the pre-festival replenishment enthusiasm of the middle and lower reaches is not high, mainly based on rigid demand, and the production and marketing of the production end is relatively general. Glass fiber industry: the enthusiasm of the merchants to make an offer is limited, and the price of glass fiber market runs steadily. This week, the mainstream price of non-alkali pond kiln roving market is narrow, the quotation of manufacturers is generally stable, the supply and circulation of goods in the region is OK, the inventory is in a controllable state, and the willingness of large factories to stabilize prices still exists. The operating rate of the downstream manufacturers fluctuates in the range, the supporting role of the demand surface is general, new orders rise in a narrow range, the market trading atmosphere is general, the downstream chooses low rigid demand to buy mainly, individual manufacturers reserve inventory for the development of wind power, the enthusiasm of the merchants is limited, the delivery of pre-orders is the main, the electronic yarn market operates steadily, and the price remains stable. Consumer building materials: the Politburo meeting decided to digest the stock of real estate, green building materials to the countryside is expected to boost the demand for categories after the cycle of real estate. The meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee set the tone of real estate, and first proposed to co-ordinate the study of digesting the stock of real estate and optimizing incremental housing; most cities follow the "trade-in" of commercial housing, which is conducive to driving the demand for C-end building materials. Six departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Housing and Construction, recently issued a circular that will carry out in-depth activities of green building materials to the countryside from 2024 to 2026, centering on key issues such as building energy conservation and seismic strengthening that urgently need to be solved in rural construction. the construction of green building materials application demonstration projects will help to boost the renewal demand of economical green building materials products after real estate, such as water purifiers, sanitary ware, ceramic tiles, pipes and other retail demand. Continue to recommend the consumer building materials sector with high performance-to-price ratio and outstanding alpha. In foreign markets, Africa, Southeast Asia, South America and other markets are still in a period of rapid development, with outstanding human / resource cost advantages, and continue to pay attention to the high-quality targets of building materials business layout overseas. Investment suggestions: Weixing New Materials, Koda Manufacturing, Mona Lisa, Yashi Chuangneng, Beixin Building Materials, Keshun shares, Oriental Yuhong, Dongpeng Holdings; pay attention to Chinese boulder. Risk tips: infrastructure investment growth is not up to expectations, new real estate starts have fallen sharply, raw materials and fuel power prices have risen sharply, and market competition has intensified. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

jilionline|建材行业定期报告:政治局会议提出消化存量房产 地产链条有望持续修复