
pokerlistings| Manganese and silicon rose by more than 4%: most of the main domestic commodity futures contracts rose, analysis of steel, soybean meal, and coal inventories


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Today, most of the domestic commodity futures rose, steel prices rose, soybean meal inventory rebounded month-on-month, and the operating rate of coal preparation plants decreased. The average price of eggs was stable, while the price of live pigs fell by 1.Pokerlistings.3%. JPMorgan Chase CEO is optimistic about US economic growth, but it is more difficult to cut interest rates in the short term. The interest rate of the central bank's reverse repo operation is flat.

Text of news flash

[most domestic commodity futures prices rose, and manganese silicon led the market by more than 4%. On April 24, the domestic commodity futures market closed in early trading, and the prices of most main contracts rose. On the list of increases, manganese silicon increased by more than 4%.PokerlistingsLed the way, followed by European container transportation, with an increase of nearly 3%. Iron ore and soda ash both rose by more than 2%, while urea, Shanghai lead and lithium carbonate rose by nearly 2%. In addition, glass, crude oil, bean two, coke, low-sulfur fuel and other varieties all increased by more than 1%. However, ethylene glycol and Shanghai tin fell by more than 2%. Glue No. 20 fell by nearly 2%, while jujube, caustic soda, rubber and methanol fell by more than 1%. [JPMorgan Chase CEO Dimon is optimistic about US economic growth, hinting that it is difficult for the Fed to cut interest rates in the short term. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is optimistic about US economic growth against the backdrop of recent economic data with a strong job market and solid consumer demand. However, Dimon also pointed out that this may mean that the Fed is unlikely to cut interest rates in the short term. [central bank reverse repurchase operation maintains winning bid interest rate of 1.8%] the people's Bank of China today launched a seven-day reverse repurchase operation of 2 billion yuan, with a winning interest rate of 1.80%, which is the same as before. [three iron and steel enterprises in Xinjiang uniformly raise the settlement guidance price of building materials products] on April 24, Xinjiang Bayi Iron and Steel, Kunyu Iron and Steel, and Kunlun Iron and Steel issued notices one after another, announcing that the settlement guidance price of building materials products in Xinjiang will be raised by 50 yuan per ton. The price adjustment will start at 10: 00 a.m. on the same day.PokerlistingsThe implementation begins at 00: 00. [steel net inventory analysis shows that building materials output increased by 1.42% month-on-week, table needs to decline] as of the week of April 24, the inventory analysis report of steel network shows that the output of building materials is 3.2207 million tons, an increase of 45100 tons compared with the previous week, an increase of 1.42%.PokerlistingsThere was a decrease of 543200 tons, or 14.43 percent, over the same period last year. The warehouse of the building materials factory was 3.2315 million tons, a decrease of 177700 tons, or 5.21 percent, compared with the previous year; and a decrease of 1.2812 million tons, or 28.39 percent, compared with the same period last year. The storehouse of building materials was 6.74 million tons, a decrease of 164300 tons, or 2.38 percent, compared with the previous year; and a decrease of 237000 tons, or 3.40 percent, compared with the same period last year. The building materials meter needs to be 3.5627 million tons, and the cycle-to-cycle ratio is reduced by 320900 tons. [the inventory of soybean meal in China's major oil factories is 460000 tons, which is at the middle level in the same period in history.] Monitoring data show that on April 19, the stock of soybean meal in major oil factories in China was 460000 tons, an increase of 110000 tons over the previous week, and a decrease of 570000 tons from the high of January 19. an increase of 170000 tons over the same period last year, which is 30,000 tons higher than the average of the past three years, and is generally at the middle level of the same period in history. [samples from 110coal washing plants across the country show a decline in operating rate and average daily output] sample data from 110coal washing plants across the country this week showed that the operating rate was 67.14%, a decrease of 0.76% compared with the previous period, and the average daily output was 564700 tons, a decrease of 4900 tons. The stock of raw coal was 2.3166 million tons, a decrease of 241500 tons, while the inventory of clean coal was 1.7459 million tons, a decrease of 113000 tons. [Foshan Wuxi Gongyi aluminum ingot inventory has declined] as of today, Foshan aluminum ingot inventory decreased by 2400 tons compared with the previous trading day to 253900 tons, aluminum bar inventory decreased by 4400 tons to 119900 tons. The inventory of aluminum ingots in Wuxi area decreased by 1300 tons to 285800 tons, and the inventory of aluminum bars decreased by 1200 tons to 60200 tons. The inventory of aluminum ingots in Gongyi is about 116900 tons, a decrease of 2000 tons compared with the previous day. [monitoring by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that pig prices fell 1.3% month-on-month] according to the National Bureau of Statistics's monitoring of the market prices of 9 categories and 50 important means of production in the field of circulation across the country, in mid-April 2024, compared with the first ten days of April, the prices of 34 products rose and 16 fell. Among them, the current price of live pigs is 15.1 yuan / kg, down 0.2 yuan / kg, or 1.3%, compared with the previous period. [the estimated cost of sugar processing in Brazil and Thailand is higher than the price within the quota] it is estimated that the estimated cost of processing Brazilian sugar within the quota is 5309 yuan / ton, while the additional cost is 6803 yuan / ton. Similarly, the estimated cost of duty payment for Thai sugar processing within the quota is 5466 yuan / ton, and the additional cost is 7009 yuan / ton. [the average price of eggs in the main producing areas has risen steadily] the average price of eggs in Shandong, the main producing area, was 6.61 yuan / kg today, the same as yesterday; the average price of eggs in Hebei was 6.48 yuan / kg, up 0.02 yuan from yesterday; and the average price of eggs in Guangdong was 7.80 yuan / kg.

pokerlistings| Manganese and silicon rose by more than 4%: most of the main domestic commodity futures contracts rose, analysis of steel, soybean meal, and coal inventories