
dabberssocialbingo| Postal Savings Bank: Starting from May 15, individuals whose stock can be automatically transferred will notify them to stop automatically transferring deposits


Financial front-line news on May 14dabberssocialbingo, Postal Savings Bank issued an announcement on changes to the automatic transfer function of existing notice deposits. Starting from May 15, 2024, personal notice deposits (including Dream Post Station) products whose existing can be automatically transferred will no longer be automatically transferred. The expiration date of notice deposit products is the expiration date of the last transfer cycle, and will not be automatically cancelled after expiration. When a customer withdraws a call deposit, the interest for the last deposit period will be calculated based on the listed interest rate of the call deposit of the corresponding call variety on the date of withdrawal, and interest will be calculated based on the current listed interest rate on the date of withdrawal.

dabberssocialbingo| Postal Savings Bank: Starting from May 15, individuals whose stock can be automatically transferred will notify them to stop automatically transferring deposits