
fortunebingo| How to inquire and analyze stock dividends


For investors,FortunebingoIt is very important to know about stock dividends. The following is how to query and analyze stock dividends:

1. Inquire about stock dividend information

oneFortunebingo. The official website of the exchange

You can query the stock dividend information through the official website of the stock exchange. For exampleFortunebingoIf you want to inquire about the dividend information in the A-share market, you can log on to the official website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange and obtain the relevant information through the inquiry system.

twoFortunebingo. Company announcement

Listed companies will issue regular announcements to announce their dividends. Investors can check the company's announcement on the company's official website, the exchange's official website or the financial information platform to learn more about the dividend.

fortunebingo| How to inquire and analyze stock dividends

3. Financial information platform

Many financial information platforms, such as Oriental Fortune (300059) and flush (300033), also provide information on stock dividends. Investors can check the stock dividend history and expected dividend situation through these platforms.

Second, analyze stock dividends

1. Dividend rate

The dividend rate is an important index to measure the dividend level, and the calculation formula is as follows: dividend rate = (dividend amount per share / earnings per share) × 100%. The higher the dividend rate, the higher the dividend ratio of the company.

two。 Dividend policy

It is also important to understand the company's dividend policy. Generally speaking, a stable dividend policy is a positive signal for investors. Investors can learn about the company's dividend policy by looking at the company's annual report, announcement, etc.

3. Financial statement

The profit statement and cash flow statement in the financial statements can further understand the profitability and cash flow of the company, so as to judge the sustainability of dividends.

III. Examples of tables

Here is a table showing how to compare the stock dividends of different companies:

Company name dividend per share dividend rate dividend policy company A 2 yuan 50% stable company B 1.5 yuan 40% unstable company C 1% stable 30%

The above are the basic methods of inquiring and analyzing stock dividends, hoping to be helpful to investors.

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